Animating Vectors


Animating Vectors

You may be familiar creating vector-based artwork in Adobe Illustrator, but those same works can be animated in Adobe After Effects like the video above. Think of your artwork like a puppet, consisting of joints and limbs. With tools like the Puppet Position Tool, Anchor Point Tool, and Rotation Tool, you can create some pretty advanced animations.

Use either of the .ZIP Asset Packages below, or create your own vector-based character to animate.


  • Download the Green Lion Parts
  • Unzip the folder into your External Hard Drive
  • Import the files into a new After Effects project
  • Use the whole reference image included in the files to piece together your character in a new composition
  • Use the Anchor Point tool to determine the center of gravity for each object
  • Keyframe your animations where they apply
  • Render your project for Export > convert to .MP4 in Adobe Media Encoder

File Type:

Submit your After Effects vector animation as .MP4

Programs used:
Adobe After Effects
Adobe Illustrator

Creating Shapes

I had a lot of fun with this assignment. We only needed to create a few shapes, incorporate a mask and effect, but I wanted to try creating an environment.


  1. Open After Effects
  2. Create a new composition
  3. Make various Shape Layers in the Composition window (Basic and Complex shapes)
  4. Add Strokes to 1 or more shapes
  5. Use keyframes to add movement using the Position (P) controls for each Layer
  6. Use mask to hide and reveal a precomposed layer
  7. Add text in a precomposed layer
  8. Animate and mask text in precomp.
  9. Export your project using Media Encoder

Programs used:
Adobe Illustrator
Adobe After Effects

Introduction to Motion with After Effects