Cottage Magazine Pages 2 and 3


Create a 1-4 Page Fashion Magazine in InDesign using images and your typography skills.

  • Do your research to emulate the designs of actual Fashion Magazines in order to determine your placement of images and captions.
  • Use High Resolution photos only.
  • Look at all of the image examples below to get an idea of what’s expected.
  • Make sure you take a look at the Rubric to help guide you with the assignment as well.

Document Settings: 1-4 Pages, 300 ppi (Print Quality), 8.5 x 11″ (Portrait or Landscape)

Margins: 0.25″, Bleed: 0.125″

Programs: InDesign (Layout), Photoshop (Image Editing), Illustrator (Symbols/Icons and Logos)

Cottage Magazine Cover
Cottage Magazine layout pages 4,5
Cottage Magazine layout pages 6,7

Applications used:
Adobe InDesign
Adobe Photoshop
Adobe Illustrator

Project Details

Author :Tonya Morris Date :May 2, 2022 Website :Cottage Magazine Pages 2 and 3